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Irregular Atlantean adjectives and adverbs.


1. The irregular declensions.

As with the irregular nouns, certain adjectives can also be divided into the same three "irregular" types. The historical reasons for these irregularities are exactly the same as for the nouns, namely phonological changes for some consonants (the voiced stops, l, r and m), and the limitations on vowel combinations in Atlantean (see Irregular Atlantean nouns). Of course adjectives only agree with nouns in number and in the nominative and accusative cases: in all other cases they take the accusative suffix, singular or plural. 

I. TYPE 1: Adjective roots ending in -l, or -r,  in nominative singular before nouns belonging to  the consonantal declension - no. 1).

These behave exactly as nouns (although note that there are no cases of adjectives ending in -n in the nominative and changing to -m when oblique case-endings are added.) 

1. l > y when followed by a vowel, ie: in all nominative cases apart from declension 1, and in oblique and plural cases, when the vowel-combinations correspond to one of the permissible combinations; otherwise the "l" remains.

Examples are all adjectives ending in -el or -ul (these endings usually made adjectives out of nouns), eg: proutul (nom sing., peaceful), proutuyan (masc acc sing.). Tincel (nom sing., starry), tinceyix (plural, all cases). Also tel (same), sual (female).

2. r > vanished when followed by a vowel, ie in all nominative cases apart from declension 1, and in oblique and plural cases. But again this depended on the permitted combinations, and otherwise the "r" remained.

Example: car (nom sing, dear). 
In this case, note that adjectives ending in "-ar" in the nominative singular lose the "a" before the accusative -an is suffixed, and the "r" remains, ie:  it becomes "-arn". Hence car (nom sing, dear), carn (acc sing.) This is the same as with nouns. In this case, the "r" also remains in the nominative before declension 2b nouns, (care), but disappears before declensions 3a and 3b and all plurals (cao, cau, caix). These are due to the permissible vowel combinations rule. 

II. TYPE 2: Adjectives ending in a vowel in the nominative singular before nouns of declension 1, but with a plosive interpolated before all other case-endings.

Adjectives which originally ended in -d, -b, -t  lost this plosive in the nominative and vocative singular cases, but it reappeared before a vowel in all oblique and plural cases.

Examples: bua (nom sing, wide), buatan (acc sing)
                   lou (nom sing, long), louban (acc sing) (this is irregular in other cases).

Also included in this group are some adjectives ending in -r, where the "r" was originally followed by a plosive, thus: : -rt, -rp, -rc. These lose the plosive in the nom sing (before declension 1 nouns).

Example: snar (nom sing, decl 1, black), snartan (acc sing).

III. TYPE 3: Adjectives ending in -nt, -np, -nc, -lt, -lp, -lc in the nominative singular before declension 1 (consonantal declension) nouns.

These noun endings became -nd, -nb, -ng, -ld, -lb, -lg in the other nominative declensions, as well as oblique and plural cases, if they originally ended in these voiced plosives in all cases.

Examples:  yelt (nom sing, old), yeldan (acc sing)
                    decant (nom sing, dark), decandan (acc sing).

Note: Adjectives ending in -axa are declined if they act as adjectives (eg: beininaxa, holy), but normally past participles as such are not declined.

There are a few adjectives which are completely irregular, viz: cel (noble), dicel (ignoble), lou (long), meu (many), dimeu (few), stei (hard).

2. Irregular comparison of adjectives.

The usual vowel-combinations and interpolations of plosives apply before these endings, as were noted above before vowel-suffixes in non-declension 1, oblique and plural cases. 

Note the following comparisons, which are completely irregular in Atlantean, as in many other languages:

Good: ruth.    Better:  maiss.    Best:  mailc.                Bad:  dammic.     Worse:  diss.      Worst:  dilc.


Irregular Atlantean adverbs.

The only irregularities which can occur with adverbs is in the formation of an adverb from an adjective, when the usual ending -ehe is added, and in the comparative and superlative cases. 

1. Before -ehe, the adverb adopts the changes of l > y or r > vanishes, adds a plosive, or voices a plosive in exactly the same situations that the basic adjective did before non-declension 1 nominatives, oblique and plural cases.

Example: bua(t) (adjective, wide); buatehe (widely).
                 car (adjective, dear);   carehe (dearly)
                 bour(b) (adjective, great): bourbehe (greatly)

2. In the comparative case,  -ehe is added to -iss, thus: -issehe.
    In the superlative case, -ehe is added to -ilc, thus: -ilcehe.

Again, before -issehe and -ilcehe, the adverb adopts the changes that the equivalent adjective would have taken before an ending beginning with -i.

Example:  car (dear).   carehe (dearly).  caissehe (more dearly).  cailcehe (most dearly).
(Note the "r" disappears between the "e" and the "i").

Note one completely irregular comparison:

much/many       meu/meuhe
more                  misse
most                  milce

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