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Discovery of Atlantis
First Empire-(1) to 261
Second Empire- (1) 361 - 409 |
Remains of obsolete endings in Atlantean nouns 1. The dual case. This case, formerly present in Juralic, had largely died out in early times, but remains fossilised in a few set expressions in Atlantean as well as Yalland. In Atlantean, it originally involved the interpolation of -ET- between the root ending and the suffix. (See the section on Juralic: Historical grammar of Juralic languages,2, pronouns, adjectives and nouns). Examples are: 2. Plural endings in -AI. -I: was the original Juralic plural ending, which died out in favour of -IX in Atlantean. Traces of it remain in certain nouns with irregular declensions, eg: CELEUO (nom song, a noble), CELAI (nom, acc
plural) CEL (nom sing, noble), CELAI (nom, acc plural) We can note also the following fixed meanings for certain nouns and adjectives: THETTAI (old plural of THETTO, brother),
meaning "band of brothers", adopted by the Brotherhood Party
in the 790s period. 3. The vocative case The vocative case had been subsumed into the
nominative very early on, but a few examples of the vocative singular
case survived for declension 1 nouns. These had the ending -A (from
Juralic -A: 4. The locative case The true successor of the Juralic locative singular ending -SSE was -S in Atlamtean, but this had been replaced in early Atlantean by -SIL from the preposition SIL, meaning "in". However, the old ending survived in Classical Atlantean in a few set expressions: THESAS (from THESEI, house), meaning "at
home". |
Home Page Languages - introduction The Atlantean language Details of the Atlantean verb Atlantean numerals 1 Atlantean numerals 2 Irregular Atlantean nouns Irregular Atlantean adjectives and adverbs The Juralic languages Juralic languages vocabulary (1) a-b Juralic-Atlantean-English vocabulary a-d Atlantean-English-Juralic vocabulary a-d Non-Juralic languages Creation of the world - analysis Atlantean personal names Place names of the Great Continent place names elements